Below are expandable menus of a variety of links that we have found useful over a variety of situations. Perhaps something in here will help you as well! If you have other resources you want to share with educators or caregivers, please reach out! We are happy to add useful links anytime.
General Behavior Resources
Breaking the Behavior Code, an article by Nancy Rappaport and Jessica Minahan, introduces the basic concepts of behavior. It is a great read for classroom teachers looking to approach behavior through the lens of science. It explains the fundamental components of behavior and suggests ways for classroom teachers to address challenging behavior in their own settings.
Child Mind Institute - comprehensive website with information and strategies for supporting a range of disabilities and challenges
Team Tom Education - a concise article with some dos and don'ts for refusal behavior, a common theme across multiple diagnoses
Autism-specific Resources
Calming Strategies - brief article that provides some suggestions for helping a person with autism regulate their nervous system and
28 Evidence-Based Practices - an article that presents the practices found to be effective by the National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Speaks - Autism Speaks is dedicated to creating an inclusive world for all individuals with autism throughout their lifespan. They do this through advocacy, services, supports, research and innovation, and advances in care for autistic individuals and their families.
Special Learning, Inc. - Free Downloadable Resources - from data collection to visual schedules.
Autism Classroom - news and resources for adding structure to your classroom. You will need to register for a free account.
ACT - Autism Community Training - offers multiple training modules for common issues among neurodiverse populations (sleep, toileting, reducing stress, just to name a few)
Autism Focused Intervention Resources & Modules (AFIRM) - free modules to help caregivers and service providers implement the step-by-step procedures of the evidence-based practices
Anxiety Resources
Child Mind: Anxiety - various articles about anxiety topics
Dos & Don'ts When Children Are Anxious - to the point article with a few key tips.
What Teachers Can Do to Engage Anxious Students - article by Sarah Ward, Jessica Minahan, and Kristen Jacobsen
ADHD Resources
ADDitude Mag - host of resources for teachers and families, good background info for professionals - tools for teachers (accommodations, classroom management, information, videos, etc) & parents
Child Mind - Parent's Guide to ADHD
Child Mind: Attention - resources and articles about attention
PTS Coaching - videos and strategies for parenting and teaching kids with ADHD